I hope this email finds you well.
We are excited to inform you that if you have missed the live stream for our past Medico-legal and SJMC webinars, we have started to make these available for you to watch and then claim CPD points.
There are 10 CPD points up for grabs in this list!
Medico legal Consent in Medical Practice on Medical Devices Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and Patient Records & Importance of Expert Evidence in Medical Negligence cases With Adverse Medical Incident in an Aging Population diagnostic errors in medicine Doctors face in light of the changing legal landscape
SJMC Grand RoundsSJMC Cardiology Grand Round #28 Simple ECG interpretations Part 1 Cardiology Grand Round #30: Simple ECG Interpretations Part 2
How to claim the CPD points:
You must follow the instructions in the PINNED comment for each of the videos in YouTube. In essence you have to acknowledge that you have watched the video as a comment to each individual video. You then need to message Ketua Dobbs with the unique CPDExxx code mentioned in each video, your YouTube username and MMC number, and a Screenshot of your QR Code found in the dashboard of your MMA App. Please note we will entertain only submissions from registered DOBBS members.
Who am I contest winner announced!
DOBBS is 23 years old this year. To celebrate this, we are excited to announce a video contest series, “Who am I”, for all registered members of the DOBBS community. The contest is hosted exclusively in our YouTube Channel and all you have to do is to guess who the famous historical personality depicted in the video is. The winner of each contest gets a free unlimited vCard hosting and an NFC Smart Card which comes with it.
Congratulations to the winner of Contest no 1 – Dr Padhma Christine Doraisamy!
Contest no 2 has begun!
Watch it here to participate.
You should watch it in YouTube and follow the instructions in the video description and pinned comment in order to enter the competition.
You can keep track of the contest series in this page:
Who Am I Contest
We encourage all members to participate and showcase their creativity.
Best regards,
Ketua Dobbs
If you have updated contact details, please re-register with us at