Dobbs Activity Report December 2018

Greetings for the new year from DOBBS or Doctors Only Bulletin Board System
Here are the stats for the DOBBS Facebook group for December 2018

DOBBS continues to be the largest and most active medical doctor group on Facebook with over 16,000 members of which over 14,000 are active

The Top contributors to Dobbs Facebook

The top Posts in Dobbs Facebook

For the DOBBS Bulletin board, we have managed to create over 4700 accounts now for registered Dobbers. We’re still migrating some existing registered Dobbers over from the old forum and it’s a slow process as some emails need to be updated. We encourage all doctors to register so that a free Bulletin Board account can be created for you.

There’s much more in the Bulletin Board than the Social media. There are dedicated boards for CME, Case discussions, Journal Club and also Job boards. The Private boards are visible only to members who have logged in.
If you are already in Dobbs Facebook, you can complete or update your registration using , otherwise to join Dobbs, please use

Registered Dobbers also get to join our dynamic Telegram Supergroup.

To join, please request by messaging your MMC registration number, email address and mobile number for confirmation to Ketua Dobbs.